Today's Lady News: Will Texas Make Abortion More Difficult For Women?

- Texas' state senate passed a bill last night which requires a woman seeking an abortion to have an ultrasound and be read a physical description of the fetus' current development. Women would not be required to look at the sonogram or listen to the heartbeat and there is an exception made for women or girls impregnated by rape or incest. Governor Rick Perry wholeheartedly supports the bill. [Reuters]
- Not content to let Rep. Michele Bachmann hog all the attention, Sarah Palin is weighing in on Michelle Obama's public push for moms to breastfeed. [The Root]
- 911 dispatcher Angela Sherrod of Louisville coached new dad, Mohamed Bojang, on how to deliver his wife's baby. In her 20 years on the job, Angela had never helped deliver a baby over the phone before. Both mom and baby, Khadija Bojang, are doing well. Great job, everyone! [The Grio]
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