Friday, March 18, 2011

Billy Crystal Volunteers to Save Oscars (Sort Of)

In light of the incredibly warm welcome Billy Crystal received (hello, standing O!) upon taking the stage during the most recent Oscar debacle telecast, one thing was made perfectly, well, crystal clear.

The folks behind Hollywood's biggest night so need to bring back the eight-time Academy Awards MC for another go-around.

But will it happen?

READ: Best & Worst of the 2011 Oscars: Yes, It's That Bad

"It might be fun," Crystal tells the Associated Press.

Although, the best Oscar host since Bob Hope added that he would only consider it if they actually decided to shake things up a bit.

"I think the show needs to change," he pointed out. "There's too many awards and it has to sort of freshen itself up, and if I can be a part of that, that would be great."

Of course, Crystal isn't the only former host who has expressed an interest in making a return.

Hugh Jackman recently told our own Marc Malkin he would totally be up for repeating his 2009 gig.

"I did have a great, great time hosting," said Jackman. "When I came [to the Kodak] for rehearsals this year, there was a little tug. I was like, 'I wouldn't mind doing this again.' "

As fans of both, any chance we could simply get a two-for-the-price-of-one deal next year?

VIDEO: Hear what Jackman thought about James Franco and Anne Hathaway as hosts

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